
Sunday, 2 May 2010

Blood Of The Black Owl

Death Metal project "Blood of the Black Owl" is the brainchild of Chet W. Scott, of Seattle, Washington, who is responsible for all vocals and instrumentation, from guitars and drums to flutes and ocarinas.

Reviewer Erik Thomas writes "Blood of the Black Owl delivers a take on doomy depressive black metal that deviates slightly from the suffocating psychosis of his peers. What we have here is still, disturbing and nervous doom-gaited black metal, but with a tangible stoner lean, especially in guitar tone. Now don’t get me wrong, the first time I listened to Blood of the Black Owl with headphones on at bedtime, I had wretched nightmares (seriously), as the draining, lengthy tracks are still fraught with tense paranoia, but its’ less clichéd and insidious and more organic."

Sweet dreams everyone!

"Uwwalo" from the album "Blood Of The Black Owl":

"Journey Of The Plague Year" from the album "A Feral Spirit":

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